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Are Goldendoodles One of the Smartest Dog Breeds?

Goldendoodles, a hybrid crossbreed between the Golden Retriever and the Poodle, are amazing pets and are very intelligent. Goldendoodles are rapidly growing in popularity, whether because they are absolutely adorable, they are super smart, or just because they are a great breed overall.There are so many reasons why Goldendoodles are so smart and we’re going to talk about 13 of those reasons and some of the benefits of having a smart dog.Goldendoodle parents are really smartThe canine researcher, Dr. Coren did studies on dogs’ intelligence, ranking them in order of intelligence. He consulted over 200 dog obedience judges to determine the rankings that he published. The researcher limited their study to purebred dogs and did not include mutts or mixed breeds in the results which explains why Goldendoodles are not on the list.The researcher’s focus and methodology only allowed for the ranking of purebred dogs which have more clearly defined and consistent physical and behavioral character...