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GOP Florida Rep. All-In On Trump's Idiocy With Panama


Florida GOP Rep. Carlos Gimenez called Trump's idiotic threat to reclaim the Panama Canal "legitimate" during an interview on Fox Business Network this Monday.

No mention, of course, of The Trump Organization's business disputes with the country.

WEBSTER: Congressman, is Donald Trump right? Are we being ripped off on the Panama Canal? What do you think?

GIMINEZ: He very well could be right that that we're getting ripped off, but, what's most concerning is China's influence on Panama and the Panama Canal Authority. China has a way of trying to either buy or coerce, different influencers or politicians,, to do their bidding.

And a couple of years ago we had we had concerns and we had reports that some of the members of that Panamanian Canal Authority had in fact been been coerced or co-opted by the Chinese Communist Party and so yeah he has, he has legitimate concerns when it comes to the Panama Canal.

WEBSTER: Fascinating, could we take it back, do you know?

GIMINEZ: I don't know. I haven't read the fine print, but apparently he has, and there has to be provisions there that say that they have to treat the United States a certain way.

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