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Whiny Hewitt: Ban Reporters From WH Except Fox News


During Hugh Hewitt's radio show, he exclaimed that he wants to ban the entire White House Press Corps from briefings except for Fox News is Peter Doocy.

Hugh Hewitt spoke with Bethany Mandel, homeschool advocate and author of the post-Charlottesville column, "We Need To Start Befriending Neo Nazis." REALLY.

HEWITT: You can fill a press room with good reporters who will not go easy on Trump.

You know, I don't go easy on Trump.

I don't like this Panama Canal stuff.

MANDEL: No, it's nonsense.

HEWITT: What's that?

MANDEL: I mean, it's nonsense. The Panama Canal stuff is nonsense.

HEWITT: No, I mean, there are so many Trump-critical people who could fill that room. You know, John McCormick from the Dispatch, you name it.

MANDEL: There's a group of folks in there who have sat there enjoying, you know, the last four years of getting to say they work in the White House and that's it.

HEWITT: We need power-skeptical people all the time. People who are skeptical of power.

That is the press's job.

And I don't think anyone in that room except Steve Doocy deserves to be there a day longer.

Recently, the snowflake named Hewitt pulled a Nancy Mace when he abruptly quit the Washington Post podcast over nothing.

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