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DEC renews Dunn landfill permits in Rensselaer


RENSSELAER, N.Y. (NEWS10)-- On Monday, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced the S.A. Dunn landfill permits have been renewed, with modifications. The DEC said the renewal followed a detailed review process that included public involvement and over 250 public comments.

According to the DEC, additional conditions were added to the three-year permits to ensure the facility stays consistent with state laws and regulations, especially the state's Climate Act. "DEC also significantly revised operating conditions after incorporating feedback from the public, including comments from residents in the designated disadvantaged community and school immediately adjacent to the facility," the DEC said in a statement.

The 99-acre operation is located next to Rensselaer schools and has faced years of resident and city official backlash. In July, Rensselaer County Legislature asked the state to shut down the landfill, stating 100 tractor-trailers carry debris to the landfill daily, and the greenhouse gas emissions raise concern.

In its renewal requirements, the DEC said the new permits require a 30 percent decrease in diesel truck traffic to and from the facility. This will change the daily limit from 100 to 70 trucks daily.

"DEC also prioritized the reduction of truck traffic impacts by requiring an approximately 30 percent reduction in the hours that vehicles are allowed to carry construction and demolition material and mined materials to and from Dunn," a statement from the DEC said.

In addition to truck reductions, the permits will require Dunn to fund $150,000 in greenhouse gas reduction projects. The facility will also be required to complete a study evaluating the installation of a barrier along Partition Street to reduce further impacts to the community.

According to the DEC, they will continue to monitor daily operations at the facility to make sure it's complying with all permit conditions, laws and regulations. To read the permits or response to public comments, visit the DEC's website.

Featured video is from an August report on air quality around the site.