News in English


It's MAGA vs. the world.

The SPD, which is Germany's Socialist Democratic Party, something akin to Hitler's NAZI Party, has made a policy statement "to clip the wings of Elon Musk." Now, why would any political party in another country even care enough to stake a stand on the politics of the US? I'll tell you why in this case. The German socialists while always being critical of the US, nonetheless, want our handouts flowing to Germany to continue. The SPD is afraid Musk, and his DOGE, will cut off the funding going to other countries, including Germany.

And the lamestream media, also socialists, really commie scumbags, has started referring to Elon as "President Musk," and Trump as "Vice-President Trump." This is designed to "get under the skin of Trump" who, they hope, will end Musk's DOGE movement.

Of course, the regular anti-American(democraps) and self-serving POS (RINOs) are also resisting the pending changes to come.

Just two of the latest examples of the pot getting stirred up by Trump and his administration. GOOD! When socialists and commie bastards start complaining you know you're doing something right.