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Elden Ring: How to Get Gold Scarab Talisman (And What It Does)

Quick LinksWhere To Find The Gold Scarab Talisman In Elden Ring Gold Scarab Talisman Effects In Elden Ring Despite some nagging hardware-related issues at launch, fans and critics alike have found a lot to love with From Software's latest game, Elden Ring. Unlike previous games in the Souls-series, Elden Ring presents a massive open world to explore, which allows players to tackle things how they want. While past From Software games would essentially lock players into a specific path with a boss that would need to be overcome, if players get stuck in Elden Ring, they can simply go somewhere else and power up. While that's a big change of pace, players are incentivized to explore the world, with plenty of secrets and loot to be had. Of course, with a game as big as this, there are plenty of items, armor, and weapons to find, many of which can make the game easier thanks to the benefits they provide. This includes rare items like Smithing Stones as well as powerful weapons such as the Gr...