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Who Is Your Favorite Actress of 2024? Vote in Just Jared's Poll!


Who is your favorite actress of 2024? We want to hear from Just Jared readers!

We’ve gathered a list of the most popular stars from Just Jared‘s 2024, based on fan interaction and our website traffic. We want to hear from you: who is your fave!?

Head inside to vote in the poll…

While we’d like to include so many more actors in this poll, we’ve limited it to stars who have had a major project released in 2024, so if they don’t have a credit to their name this year, they might have been excluded.

We will close this poll and announce the winner on January 2, 2024 at 3pm ET.

Voting for this poll is unlimited, so you can vote as many times as you wish for as many stars as you’d like!

Please note: choices in this poll will be randomized with each refresh to prevent bot voting. The choices included are based on popularity on Just Jared, fan interaction, and involvement in recent major project(s).

If you think we forgot an important star – let us know in the comments and we’ll get them added if there’s enough support!

Vote for your favorite actor of 2024 here!