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Buzz Aldrin Interview: 'On the Moon We Were Ordered by Aliens To Move Away!'


Here are the statements by the former astronauts:

Professor: What really happened out of Apollo 11?

Buzz Aldrin: An amazing thing, even though we have always known of this possibility. The fact is that they (aliens) have ordered us to turn away!

Professor: What do you mean "warned to move away"?

Buzz Aldrin: I can not go into details, there are structures on the Moon, and not ours. I can only say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology. Wow if you were big! … And menacing!

Professor: But NASA also sent to the moon missions after Apollo 11 ….

Buzz Aldrin: Naturally, NASA had already announced at that time, and could not risk panic on Earth.

According to the American ufologist Vladimir Azhazha, "Neil Buzz Aldrin said to Mission Control that two large unknown objects were watching him…





























Tags: science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth, Earth science, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth, Earth science, science,

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During a time that humankind’s ancestors were learning to walk upright, use their hands, and create the first primitive tools, cosmic events left a mark in our galaxy that our developed society would later see, millions of years later.

Five million years after this dramatic ejection, a team of researchers led by Sergey Koposov of Carnegie Mellon University’s McWilliams Center for Cosmology discovered the star, known as S5-HVS1, in the Crane-shaped constellation Grus. The star was spotted traveling relatively close to Earth (29,000 light-years away) at unprecedented, blistering speeds — roughly ten times faster than most stars in our galaxy.

Observations from the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), a 12.8-foot (3.9-meter) telescope, and the European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite led to the discovery of the star. The discovery was made as part of the Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5) by astronomers from Chile, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

Now that the star has been discovered, researchers may be able to trace it back to Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way. It also serves as an incredible example of the Hills Mechanism, proposed by astronomer Jack Hills 30 years ago, in which stars are ejected at high speeds from the centers of galaxies following an interaction between a binary-star system and the black hole at the center of the galaxy.

The location and direction of the star S5-HVS1 in the night sky. The star is rocketing away from the center of our galaxy. (Image credit: Sergey Koposov)

This discovery was published in a study in the journal the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Scientists claim that evidence for past universes may exist in the night sky, specifically the remnants of black holes from another universe.

According to New Scientist, the concept is based on conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC). This is the theory that our Universe, rather than beginning with a single Big Bang, goes through constant cycles of Big Bangs and compressions.

While the vast majority of the universe would be destroyed from one cycle to the next, these researchers believe that some electromagnetic radiation could survive the recycling process. Their findings have been published on arXiv.

The evidence comes in the form of "Hawking points," named after the late Stephen Hawking. He hypothesized that black holes would emit Hawking radiation, which Penrose and his colleagues believe could travel from one universe to the next.

They say that Hawking points could appear in the remnant heat in the universe from the Big Bang, known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB). On the CMB map, hawking points would appear as circles of light known as B-modes.

The recycling universe theory is not without controversy. The majority of our evidence suggests that the universe’s expansion is accelerating, with the universe not being dense enough to compress back into a single point and expand again – a theory known as the Big Bounce.

We have yet to discover any evidence of Hawking radiation, let alone Hawking points. So, while this is an intriguing theory, there is still a lot of work to be done before anyone claims the definitive existence of a previous universe.

According to new research, Mars had the organic molecules necessary for life to emerge around 4.5 billion years ago. And while these critical components may have hitched a ride to Earth around the same time, it was on the Red Planet that life found the most hospitable conditions.

Both Earth and Mars

are part of the inner Solar System, which consists of four rocky planets and the asteroid belt. These terrestrial planets were subjected to a brutal bombardment shortly after their formation, as a torrent of asteroids rained down on the inner Solar System.

While these rocks were assimilated into the crusts of both Earth and Mars, the movement of plate tectonics on our home planet recycled these ancient meteors into the planet’s interior. The surface of Mars, on the other hand, is stationary, which means that rocks that smashed into the planet in the distant past remain in place and can be studied.

The authors of the study

attempted to answer a series of fundamental questions about the origin of 31 Martian meteorites by analyzing them. Scientists, for example, had never determined whether these ancient projectiles originated in the inner or outer Solar System, or whether they carried any organic material that could have allowed life to develop.

Using ultrahigh precision chromium isotope measurements, the researchers identified the meteorites as carbonaceous chondrites from the outer Solar System. The authors calculated that these ancient impacts brought enough water to Mars to cover the entire planet in 307 meters (1,007 feet) of water based on the prevalence of such rocks on Mars and the fact that ice accounts for 10% of their mass.

Carbonaceous chondrites from the outer Solar System

have also been found to transport organic molecules like amino acids to the inner Solar System. These compounds are required for the formation of DNA and are most likely the raw materials that allowed life to emerge.

However, while conditions on Mars may have been ideal for life at this early juncture, the same can’t be said for Earth. "After this period, something catastrophic happened for potential life on Earth," says Bizzaro.

Taken together, these findings indicate that life had a better chance of thriving on Mars than on Earth during the early years of the inner Solar System.

The study is published in the journal Science Advances.

Since Wednesday morning (Nov. 16), Artemis 1’s uncrewed Orion capsule has been cruising toward the moon atop NASA’s massive Space Launch System (SLS) rocket.

If all goes well, Orion will finally reach the Moon on Monday morning, hovering just 80 miles (130 kilometers) above the lunar surface at 7:44 a.m. EST (1244 GMT). During that close approach, the capsule’s main engine will fire in a "powered flyby burn," putting it on track to enter lunar orbit four days later.

During a webcast beginning Monday at 7:15 a.m. EST (1215 GMT), Artemis 1 team members will explain and discuss the critical maneuver. You can watch it live directly via the space agency.

Artemis 1 is the first mission in NASA’s Artemis lunar exploration program, which aims to establish a crewed research base on the Moon by the end of the 2020s, among other goals. The Artemis 1 launch also marked the debut of the SLS, the most powerful rocket ever successfully launched.

The burn on Monday will pave the way for another critical maneuver on November 25: an engine firing designed to place Orion in a distant retrograde orbit (DRO) around the Moon. The capsule will remain in the DRO — a stable path that will take it up to 40,000 miles (64,000 km) from the lunar surface — until December 1, when another engine burn will send it back to Earth.

On December 11, Orion will return home, hitting into the Earth’s atmosphere at incredible speeds before splashing down softly in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California.

If everything goes according to plan with Artemis 1, NASA will be free to begin preparing for Artemis 2, which will send astronauts orbiting the moon in 2024.

In 2025, the agency plans to launch Artemis 3, which will land near the lunar south pole, where the proposed research base will be located. Artemis 3 will be the first crewed lunar landing mission since the final Apollo mission in 1972, as well as the first to land a woman and a person of color on the Moon.

Tags: science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth, Earth science, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth, Earth science, science,

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