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Newsmax Host Hopes For ‘Especially Nice’ Govt Shutdown Over Xmas


UPDATE: No shutdown, and the Senate restored funding for childhood cancer research. For more details, click here.

Talk about a war on Christmas! Newsmax host Chris Plante is just delighted at the thought of Americans losing their paychecks, getting delayed at airports and dozens of other lack of services over Christmas because President-Unelected Elon Musk and his Project 2025 enablers are doing their darnedest to shutdown the government.

Media Matters caught Plante’s War on Christmas for everyday Americans:

CHRIS PLANTE (HOST): I live in Washington, DC, and I work in Washington, DC. I love a good government shutdown. I always enjoy a government shutdown no matter the time of year, but Christmas makes it especially nice, I think.

Not one of his four guests uttered a peep of disagreement.

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