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How to keep your Christmas tree looking fresh into the new year


It’s that time of the year again. And if you haven’t already, you’re likely planning on going out to get a real Christmas tree in time for the holiday.

While everyone loves the look and even the smell of a fresh tree, not everyone knows how to properly take care of one.

Beth Bossio, manager of Quarter Pine Tree Farm in Smithfield, Pennsylvania, told WTOP proper care is important in keeping your tree looking fresh through the end of the holiday season. This includes keeping your holiday trees properly watered once you’ve set up your tree in your home.

“After you get that fresh cut, the key is getting it in water as soon as possible,” Bossio said. “You need to get it in water, right away.”

Along with placing your tree in a stand that can hold a gallon of water, Bossio said it’s important to make sure the water level never goes below the trunk of your tree. If that happens, the bottom of the tree can seal up, making it dry out.

Besides proper watering, where you place your tree can also play a part in how long it stays looking fresh.

Leaving your tree near a heat source, like a vent, could speed up the drying process.

“Try to keep it away from anything that’s going to dry out your tree, like a fireplace,” Bossio said. “You don’t want to put it right beside a fireplace or even a window.”

It’s also important to keep an eye on how your Christmas decorations wear down your tree. Heavy decorations or hot lights can also dry out your tree.

“Those older lights, it’s time to throw those out and get some better, new lights,” Bossio said. “Unplug your lights when you leave your house, you don’t need to have those on all day long.”

With proper care, Bossio said your tree should make it past Christmas and into the new year.
