News in English

What to Do If I Have Problems with Body Temperature Regulation?

The human brain is responsible for the regulation of body temperature, and this can be achieved through the help of the skin, blood vessels and sweat gland. You can’t regulate body temperature without them. For warm-blooded animals such as humans, the internal body temperature ranges around37°C(98.6°F) when measured by mouth, and ranges around 38°C(100.4 °F) when measured through the rectum. Although external temperatures fluctuate greatly, thebodytemperature is maintained if the body functions well.How Does the Body Regulate Temperature?The body temperature is regulated by balancing heat gain and heat loss. The body gains heat through metabolism (converting food into energy) and through muscles' work during activities. Heat loss is achieved through:Radiation,a process whereby heat is transferred from a warmervessel to a cooler one, andEvaporation. Moisture and sweat produced by the sweat glands keep the skin cool as they evaporate.The body temperature can also be cooled through convec...