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Pro-Abortion Groups Have More in Common With King Herod Than Baby Jesus


Sometimes your jaw just drops when you read “holiday” pitches from pro-abortion organizations such as the Guttmacher Institute. Guttmacher gives public policy cover for every hairbrained initiative to multiply the number of dead pre-born babies while bashing each and every pro-life outreach.

Its latest fundraising appeal begins

Dear Friend,

As we embrace the joy of the holiday season this year, our hearts are also heavy. While we face the uncertainty of the incoming presidential administration, we are not losing hope.

If you trace your family tree back to King Herod, “the joy of the holiday season” would surely be in celebrating the slaughter unborn babies.

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But if you trace your lineage back to the Prince of Peace, the “joy of the holiday season” would mean something very different.

Paul Stark, Communications Director for Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, put it beautifully:

Christmas tells us the weak and vulnerable matter just as much as the strong and independent. God himself chose to enter the world in the most vulnerable condition possible: as a tiny embryo, and then a fetus, and then a newborn baby lying in a manger. This turned ancient “might makes right” morality on its head. It suggests that human dignity is not determined by age, size, power or independence.”

But to Wendy Sealey, Vice President for Development for the Guttmacher Institute, they are the victims, not the children.

We’ve faced this battle before—we know that the election of Donald Trump as US president once again will have devastating consequences for sexual and reproductive health and rights. Should the Trump administration attempt to impose the dangerous Project 2025 agenda, it will unleash an all-out assault on our reproductive rights and democratic freedoms.

How about the lethal assaults on nearly 900,000 babies each year? Haven’t you already “unleashed an all-out assault” on the littlest Americans?

Sealey ends her fundraising letter with this:

In solidarity

In solidarity with what? Brutality, Barbarism, and Brutishness? To the purveyors of death, the unborn deserve nothing more; they are invisible.

Not to us. We do not look away from the cruelty or avert our eyes from the violence.

Our peripheral vision, morally, is not fogged by stupid nonsense about “autonomy,” as if that meant anything more than the powerful working their will on the powerless. Instead, pro-lifers listen attentively to the better angels of our nature.

Thank God, we do. Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.

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