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Albany Police showcase defensive tactics training


ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – The Albany Police Department invited the local media to a defensive tactics training. Officers showed NEWS10’s Carina Dominguez a few techniques before putting the new skills to the test.

“This was a big move in transparency so you can see what we’re doing and how things have evolved. This is something I’ve been pushing for five or six years now,” said Albany Police Department Sergeant Dan Kohler. He led the two-hour training. “I think it only helps with building more community trust.”

Kohler said all officers get annual training and recruits get more than 100 hours of instruction in the academy, including 16 hours of de-escalation decision-making. He said learning how to talk to people under pressure is key.

“Especially when somebody’s getting closer to being in, what we call in the black. Where they’re not thinking straight, they’re not acting well. We want to remove that person from that situation so they don’t make a mistake or do something that they regret later on,” said Kohler.

Then, a reality based training where we put our new skills to the test in a scenario that officers have encountered before.

Member of the Albany Community Police Review Board Milton Arroyo, was also in attendance. The board monitors investigations into civilian complaints against police officers. He’s familiar with law enforcement practices as a former New York State trooper. 

“Their job is trying to arrest a person. but also understanding that maybe that person is going through a mental crisis,” said Arroyo. He observed and participated in the hands-on training. “When you are physically fit and trained, you can resort to using your hands and using the equipment as opposed to going into that level of deadly force. No police officer ever wants to discharge their weapon,” said Arroyo.