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Oklahoma City Police take kids on Christmas shopping spree


OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) - Santa’s getting some help from the Oklahoma City Police Department again this year. On Thursday, about a dozen kids got to go on a shopping spree. 

"I get a little emotional about it,” said Mgst. Clay Cline, with OKCPD. “We try to get together every year and just spread some Christmas joy and Christmas cheer." 

About a dozen kids paired with officers to fill up their festive carts with holiday gifts from Dick’s Sporting Goods. 

"To see kids and to see them have access to experiences they might not normally have access to is really exciting,” said Halsey Musselman, of House of Sport at DICK'S Sporting Goods. 

OKCPD takes kids on Christmas shopping spree. Image KFOR.

A majority of the kids are part of OKCPD’s Family Awareness and Community Teamwork (FACT) gang prevention program. 

"A lot of these kids… Their families could have come on hard times,” said Cline. “So they may not have your normal or what a lot of us call a normal Christmas morning where you wake up and open gifts and things like that. And some of them, you know, they struggle even having a Christmas meal." 

Shoppers had a $250 limit. 

The event embodies the giving spirit of Christmas. 

"They could come in here and just be selfish and get everything for themselves,” said Cline. “But it's nice to see them want to give back a little bit."