News in English

Thursday 6 pm


what a blast today grooming the new snow into the old base. We had 5 of us out there today”bombing around” as we call it …better known as grooming with 2 way radios. We start out with a plan and then change it as needed….today Crasher groomed the south skate lanes including the new redesigned…calmed down Ridge Runner, he also headed east on Deer Trail and did the Historic Trail. BullDog, Partner and Snow cross teamed up on a major widening, leveling and renovating of the classic only trails setting new track (they broke a few eggs to make that omelette)…..code they brought up some debris in the process, Pig Heart picked the Candy w the big 108 and groomed skate lanes north….then headed out on Jessie’s Trail the Tamarack 2 track to level and renovate ahead of the w classic trail groomers….broke a few more eggs down on the south end

Skiing was rated as good today, dodging the egg shells on the classics and very good on the combo trails for skate and classic. 1 inch of new snow slowed the skating down mid morning.

It is snowing, we have a groom crew scheduled to groom at 6 AM; 2-3 inches forecast.

Hendrickson House is open to rent until Jan 30, 3 or 4 Rustics available Dec 20,Dec 22-26 and Jan 2