News in English

Quantification of safe operation conditions for large-area platinum-iridium electrodes in neurostimulation application


by Elisa Leusmann, Ciamak Abkai, Michael Tittelbach, Wigand Poppendieck


Using electrochemical characterization methods of stimulation electrodes as well as accelerated stimulation examinations, a safe operating field for stimulation is investigated for particularly very large Pt-Ir macroelectrodes in a Laplace configuration.


Traditional methods such as Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Cyclic Voltammetry and biphasic, charge balanced current pulses were applied on Pt-Ir macroelectrodes in phosphate buffered saline solution to investigate reversible boundaries. These experiments were adapted to approach realistic working conditions.

Main results

Investigating operational conditions close to realistic use cases have shown an anti-correlation between higher scan rates and the occurrence of irreversible reactions. In addition, at higher current pulse amplitudes (>3 mA), the voltage dropping across the phase boundary (Ema and Emc) saturated. The value of the residual voltage depends on the degree of charge balance of the biphasic pulse. Thus, we have been able to detect more dissolved platinum at high residual voltages—objected by mass spectroscopic measurement.


Residual voltage plays a greater role concerning reversibility in prolonged stimulation and charge imbalance of applied biphasic current pulses. The Ema saturation is suggested as a new marker for the occurrence of irreversible reactions which needs further investigation. Current amplitudes of 1 mA for the considered single electrode configuration did not lead to a capacitive voltage saturation nor a considerable dissolution of platinum ions and is thus considered as a safe operation configuration.