I’m 53 but binned three items from my wardrobe to look 10 years younger – the jean mistake is ultra ageing
YOU can fork out for expensive skincare and treatments to shave years off your appearance, but these three clothing items may still be ageing you.
A 53-year-old woman revealed the style buys she recommends removing from your wardrobe to look younger.
In her viral video, TikTok user Tamsen Fadal (@tamsenfadal) talked her followers through the fashion faux pas that are making you look older.
She explained that her tips helped to make her look 10 years younger than she is.
While she pointed out that you should wear whatever you want, Tamsen highlighted the potential problem areas in your wardrobe.
For her first recommendation, the TikToker explained her issue with “oversized prints.”
She explained that opting for smaller prints “can help take 10 years off your age.”
Tasmsen suggested looking for items with this type of pattern in secondhand shops and on sales racks so as not to “break the bank” while revamping your wardrobe.
Next, she suggested going through all your pairs of jeans and getting rid of anything that looks “dated.”
“We all have that pair of jeans that’s 10 or 20 years old that we’re still hanging on to because we’re still going to get into them, well get rid of them, no mom jeans, no weird crops,” she advised.
The TikToker suggested taking yourself on a shopping date and “trying on as many jeans as you can until you find ones that flatter your shape and that you feel good about.”
She highlighted the importance of wearing jeans that you “don’t have to adjust too much” and that you “feel comfortable in.”
She told her followers that each of them “deserve great-looking jeans.”
For her final no-go item, Tamsen recommended getting rid of anything that makes you look “boxy.”
“Great style is about great proportions and you deserve clothes that create a flattering shape and highlight your bet proportions,” she said.
The expert suggested investing in clothes that make your waist look smaller while highlighting your hips and bust.
TikTok users shared their thoughts on the advice in the comments section.
Three hair mistakes that are making you look older
THERE are some hair mistakes to avoid if you don't want to make yourself look older than you actually are:
- One dimensional hair colour – it’s a good idea to visit a hairdresser to get your colour done. Using a box dye can leave you with one block colour, so steer clear.
- Hair that’s too dark around the hairline – “Add softer, lighter tones and shades around the sides of the face to bring lift and life to your eyes; too dark a colour will do the opposite and feel very gaunt and dreary,” Jack Howard, UK colour spokesperson for L’Oreal, said.
- Sticking to the hair colour of your youth – While you might have looked good with jet black hair in your 20s, the same may not be said now you’re in your 50s. The general rule is that your hair colour should lighten with age, just as your skin tone does.
“Just got rid of jeans and boxy shirts before I saw this, look at me, a trendsetter,” wrote one viewer.
“I don’t really feel like I have much style but I agree with all of those, especially the oversized prints,” said another follower.
“I agree totally. I got of nearly all prints for additional reasons – not appropriate at funerals, maybe not weddings either. Also re-inventing myself,” commented a third person.
“With my seasonal clothing rotation, I dump unworn clothes from my closet every spring and every autumn,” shared another TikTok user.
“Thank you! I’ve been holding on to clothes that I think might fit later for years,” said one viewer.