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Griffith sees steady increase in needy families


There may be more families in need than people realise, says founder and chairman of Neighbour Neighbour charity Errol Griffith.

That’s why he is encouraging more Barbadians to give what they can throughout the year and not just during the holidays.

“The demand for our assistance increased during COVID and it never dropped. It increased since then, so there are more people in need in Barbados than people realise.

“We give every week. We want to ensure they can get back their independence. There are many
more that can benefit from the help, but we are not yet able to assist,” Griffith said.

He made those comments to the MIDWEEK NATION on Monday following the charity’s weekly donation of hampers containing canned goods, bread, vegetables, chicken, eggs and other items to several families.

They usually donate to 40 families weekly, however, that number increased to 58.

The charity has a policy of not identifying its beneficiaries. However, one 63-year-old woman who receives assistance, agreed to speak on how their support impacts her life.

Several years ago, she was diagnosed with arthritis and has been unable to work. Although she receives some assistance from the Welfare Department, she said she still struggles.

The additional help from Neighbour Neighbour goes a long way.

“Things are difficult at this time. They help me considerably and without their assistance, I don’t know where I would be.

“I am thankful that the organisation helps to support people trying to make ends meet,” she said.

Griffith said that while they offered daily support, they were hoping to provide her with a laptop to help her become more independent.

“We aim to make every household independent. We want to help people in every way possible – spiritually, mentally, financially and emotionally. This is a part of the process to help them transform their own lives,”
he added.

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