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A Guide To Eye Exams Without Insurance | The EyeDoctors Optometrists

Why Eye Exams Are ImportantWhen performing a routine eye exam, an optometrist evaluates the eye’s overall health and discusses any vision problems you may be having. After examination, the optometrist will then work to diagnose, treat, and manage your condition.Comprehensive eye exams evaluate potential changes in your vision and your ocular health. Optometrists can detect more than 270 systemic diseases¹, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, during a routine eye exam. In fact, the earliest signs of these diseases are in the eyes.Invest in a Vision Insurance PlanHealth insurance typically does not cover any of the costs for eye exams and glasses. Investing in a vision insurance plan allows you to receive affordable eye care. This is especially true if you struggle with vision problems, such as vision loss or glaucoma. Each plan has different benefits, but all provide valuable assistance with the cost of eye care. Vision insurance plans can offer coverage for:Annual comprehensive e...