News in English

The Trump Voters Getting MAJORLY F*ked By Their Own Vote


FAFO is a word Trump voters should really learn the meaning of. It stands for F*k Around & Find Out.

In this video I talk about my--and many other's--complete lack of sympathy for white union voters, Muslim voters & Latino/a voters who didn't act like adults & vote against human iron lung Donald Trump. No, not the majorities of these groups who used common sense and voted for Kamala Harris. But, the larger numbers of each group than in 2020 that voted for Trump this time. Even though he spent his one term attacking unions, passing a Muslim ban & deporting Latin American immigrants.

Trump promised to do the exact same thing this time, but somehow these morons thought it didn't apply to them. Well, they're now at the "find out" phase. I will have sympathy for all members of these groups who voted in their interests. And have not one ounce of sympathy for those who didn't, and saddled the rest of us with the 5-star dolt and human waste can for the next four years. I'm all out.

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