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This Is Your Sign: Don’t Text Him


Maybe it’s Friday night and all your friends are hanging out with their significant others while you’re chilling alone with your dog watching Netflix on the couch. A pang that can be described as hollow begins to fill your being. And then, almost seamlessly, your mind wanders to him.

So you swipe open your phone and scroll to your text thread. You type up something along the lines of asking how he’s doing, but something in you tells you to pause, and so you do. You backspace the text and start reading through the last messages in the conversation to decipher if reaching out is a good idea.

You take note of his random energy shifts and his delayed replies (or maybe no replies at all). You pick apart every message that felt lackluster or disinterested but take the flirty, fun texts into account as well.

He has been busy, you remind yourself. Maybe I should text him to let him know I’m still here.

Maybe your “he” is a recent ex you’re still in contact with. Perhaps your “he” is someone you’re currently in the midst of a situationship with. Whoever he may be, there’s a piece of you that deep down knows it’s probably a bad idea to text him. The evidence is inconclusive but there’s just this feeling you have that is telling you not to. But still, you continue to contemplate and think and go back and forth wishing for a sign that could tell you definitively what to do.

Well, if you’re looking for a sign, this is it: Don’t text him.

Do not ask him about his day. Do not send him the new song you found on Spotify. Do not send him that meme that you two would normally laugh over together. Put the phone down. Walk away from it if you need to.

Do. Not. Text. Him.

If this is resonating with you, there’s a reason. But the biggest sign you shouldn’t text him is that fact you’re looking for a sign at all. That’s your intuition talking to you. Listen to it.

Don’t reach out because you’re only picking at an open wound. You’re only prolonging the hurt. Give yourself the space to heal. It’s going to be okay. You will move on. But you need to take the first step to do that. And it might start by not sending this text.