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Tom Holland Reveals His & Zendaya's Holiday Plans, If They'll Spend It Together


Tom Holland is opening up about his holiday plans this year!

The 28-year-old actor revealed how he’ll be celebrating in the coming weeks during an interview on the Dish podcast with Nick Grimshaw and Angela Hartnett.

Tom also dished on if he and girlfriend will be spending the holidays together.

Keep reading to find out more…

“I am gonna be in America this year, I’ll be with my girlfriend’s family, which will be fun. Where we’ll be is a secret,” he shared. “The first time I spent Christmas away from home was in America, and unfortunately, not by choice.”

“I made two movies back-to-back through COVID. Did two press tours through COVID and did not get COVID once, the entire time. And after the Spider-Man 3 premiere was the last day of work I had, I was supposed to fly home the next day for Christmas, and I got COVID,” Tom added. “So, I spent like two weeks in essentially the guest bedroom and just was by myself. It was a pretty rough Christmas, to be fair. This year will be great. This will be great.”

While he’s not spending Christmas with his family this year, he notes he hopes to spend the holidays next year by bringing his and Zendaya‘s families together!

“I think what we’d like to start doing is rather than like, spending it with each family each year, is to bring the families together,” he dished. “That’s what I think we want to do next time. This time, ’cause we’re both actors, we’re terrible at organizing things. So it hasn’t happened yet. The thought’s there. The idea has been planted.”

Tom has been spending time in Boston lately while Zendaya is in town filming her upcoming movie The Drama with Robert Pattinson. Tom previously did a Netflix movie with Robert a few years ago!

All three of them are also set to star in Christopher Nolan‘s next movie, along with several other big stars.

If you missed it, it was recently announced that Tom and his brother launched their own production company!