News in English

Rivers Road Workday, November 1, 2024


The hastily called workday was a huge success and I thank the following people for responding and helping us do outstanding work on behalf of all equestrians who use these trails. Our goal was to clear the Red Trail and the Orange Trail of fallen trees and debris from the two hurricanes.
We had two crews: 1) Ron, Sharon and Herb and 2) Sue, Frank, Tim, Jan , Regine and David. Ron took the Orange Trail but actually started on the Blue Trail that runs along Lake Munson. There was no damage on the Orange Trail until the road where the Blue Trail crosses the power line which then intersects the Orange Trail. They worked for 3.25 hours and accomplished clearing the trail to the single track portion that goes to a pond and then exits into a beautiful stand of longleaf pines.
Sue’s crew was able to clear the entire Red Trail and accomplished side and top clearing in areas that needed it. This trail was the worst one but everyone on the crew did an excellent job and worked well together for 3.50 hours.
Since Ron’s crew wasn’t able to complete their task, he went out on Saturday, November 2 and cleared the rest of the Orange Trail and more of the Blue Trail, working for 3 hours.
My thanks go to these crews for their hard work and dedication on such short notice. We held this workday during the week because we now have nice riding weather and thought folks may come out on the weekend and wanted the trails to be presentable. So please take advantage of the clean trails at Rivers Road!
Submitted by Sue