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Twitter Gold: When Your Dream School Is Duke

Cameron Crazies in action. | Photo by Lance King/Getty Images

...And you get accepted

Getting into school is a stressful experience. Anyone who has ever applied knows the routine: you have your first choice, your second choice and whatever comes after that.

Then there’s the waiting. It’s your future! Will you get into your dream school? Will all the hard work pay off? Or is there a backup that might even work out better in the long run?

You never know how things are going to work out, but there’s only one time when you get to find out. And that can be a pretty great moment.

Take this video posted on Twitter/X for example (for the record, when we do our daily video from Twitter/X we’re going to keep calling it Twitter because X Gold just sounds questionable).

Dad Chris Landau posted his daughter Julia as she realizes that she’s been accepted by her dream school, which is Duke. It’s a really sweet moment, needless to say.

We don’t have any way to know if she’s a basketball fan but we hope she is and that she’ll be a regular at Cameron. Welcome to Duke, Julia!