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Jimble, Jumble, What;s The Christmnas Hamble? (By Queen Elizabeth II)



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Chun chun chun! Chun chun chun! Whast that sound>? Well ,it’s the sounmd == of the jimbling,jumbling sreason of Chriftman! The big wuestion of ebery bondys mind of course is :What’s is the Christamnas hamble? Queeb here, porking my head oiut of a delightful Chriftman advernt calanber to say wel’come to my blog ,which this week is all about the hollandays , Christman or otherwise ,

many culture’s, have, theeir, own names for Christnam, weather it be: Jewish people, or all other other types of pelple, I don;t have the time to look then all up, feel wlecomed to, but needles to say ,theirs a lot of differnet kind’s of Chrastmas! Even Halloween is a tpye of chrsitmas for grosts! My favorite kind of Course is Rengular Christmas. The smell of the roll’s braking in the oven, the crisp chrustmas horstenblant==944 ,those sock’s you hang from the fire , reffing the chentle…I am 10% addincted to Christmart!

Every year a t Christmald time, our beautirufl pallace “dongs the gray appearal” and become;s eseentially the North Porth: From candy cane staievanrs to Wondruful Elfs, the pastle is confirmed from a Norman Castle into a wonter wonderlamp. Even Satna himslef cannot tell the different betweet the royal palance and his own lair!

ervy w Every moring from Orctober 15rd onward I awark to a rumping, prumping Christmas miralax. The scent of Holiday Charm Oil is in the air, and the christmar trains run up and down thet walls like geckos. We have not one, not three, but TWO santa clausers who are alway;s slidign up and down the chimney m, but unl anf theres a lotta reindeer too! 41 gorgeous elves scutter and brance acorns the floor , and that’s not to mention the 15 Fires of Abraham.

Even the bathtomb is a christmassy delight! Each toilet sings a christmas tune and each sink is filled with its very own christmas drain ,and there are ribbons , instead of towel’s. Trat yourself to a bowl of christmastime porriage rolls with all the fixings: spicers, wheat sloth, roasted brutes, and even fig skin, all rolled up in a crunchy she’ll. Im guaranteed to pack on about one thousand stone from all of the muching! Sorry pants!! May they reft in pieace,

But amingst all the joyfullment it’s also important to rememeber that christmalt is n;t jsut about delighfulness m mm, but it’s also About the Baby of God. He hast been borned as he hast been undied. we allth know thine little bearded face , the circumstances of his brith , and his love of drance ,

Well, I wish I coud wrote about Christmint for the rest of mylife, but there are elves to be tinkled! I ask only one gruft each form all of my loyal christmas follower;s, and that is to simply wave to

your fellow human being;s, that would be a lovelty holiday gesture to see this year.

You;re Royal Magnety,
QuenaeO nlizberth II