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I tried 5 different brands of powdered hot cocoa from the grocery store, and the best won by a landslide

I taste-tested five hot-cocoa mixes from Ghirardelli, Hershey's, Land O'Lakes, Publix, and Swiss Miss and compared the results.
  • To find the best store-bought hot cocoa, I tried prepackaged powders from five different brands.
  • I bought standard mixes from Ghirardelli, Hershey's, Land O'Lakes, Publix, and Swiss Miss.
  • Ghirardelli's hot cocoa was the best — it was rich and chocolaty.

There are a lot of hot-cocoa mixes at the grocery store, but which is the best?

To find out, I reviewed standard mixes from Ghirardelli, Hershey's, Land O'Lakes, Publix, and Swiss Miss. To keep things consistent, I made each with warm water instead of milk.

Here's a breakdown of how they compared, plus which store-bought hot cocoa I liked the best. 

I first tried Publix's original hot-cocoa mix.
Publix's hot cocoa came in single-serve packets.

This store-brand hot-cocoa mix had the simplest packaging, from the brown-and-white box to the plain single-serve bags.

The package featured instructions for preparing the hot cocoa using hot water and a microwave.

I had a small microwave mishap, but it didn't affect the hot cocoa's flavor.
The hot cocoa overflowed in the microwave.

Per the package instructions, I mixed the contents of a singular pouch with 3/4 cup (6 ounces) of water in a mug and heated the drink in the microwave for a minute and a half.

I wasn't watching the mug closely, and the hot cocoa overflowed a few seconds before it was done warming up.

I waited for the hot cocoa to cool enough before trying it, but I thought it tasted very sweet and watery and lacked a strong chocolate flavor.

I tried Hershey's milk-chocolate-flavored mix, which has "real milk" as an ingredient.
The Hershey's hot-cocoa mix packaging looks like a chocolate bar.

I imagined this hot cocoa would taste like a melted Hershey's chocolate bar, and I was looking forward to trying it. 

Each single-serve packet had foil edges to resemble the iconic Hershey's bar wrapper, which I thought was a nice touch. 

Although the hot cocoa didn't spill this time, its flavor was disappointing.
Hershey's hot-cocoa mix didn't dissolve as well as the others.

I followed the package instructions and microwaved 3/4 cup of water for a minute. Then, I added the cocoa mix and stirred until it was fully dissolved. The water must not have been hot enough, though, because some powder pooled at the top.

Although Hershey's hot cocoa had a richer feel and smoother texture compared to Publix's, the flavor was unusual and hard to place.

It tasted slightly bitter and very artificial — definitely not like chocolate, Hershey's or otherwise. 

I'm most familiar with Swiss Miss hot cocoa.
Swiss Miss hot cocoa says it makes a larger mug.

I drank Swiss Miss growing up, so it's the brand I most associate with hot cocoa.

Although I'd usually go for the marshmallow variety, I picked up the milk-chocolate flavor for the sake of consistency in this taste test.

Swiss Miss' hot cocoa was frothy and made the largest cup.
Swiss Miss' hot cocoa had a nice, balanced taste.

The other hot-cocoa mixes called for 3/4 cup water, but Swiss Miss' required a full cup, so I got felt like I got more bang for my buck. All of the powder quickly dissolved in the hot water without hassle.

Although the chocolate flavor wasn't strong, the taste was balanced — not too sweet or too milky. Despite not tasting the sweetest, it had the most added sugar of any brand I tried at 28 grams per serving. 

This Ghirardelli's hot-cocoa mix is made with semisweet chocolate chips.
Ghirardelli's hot-cocoa packaging was the fanciest.

The Ghirardelli hot-cocoa mix had the most polished packaging, which was a nice touch that suggested a more premium product and experience.

The instructions on the box included options for cooktop and microwave preparation but also offered a third recipe for "decadent hot chocolate," in which a square of Ghirardelli chocolate is added to the drink.

My first sip of the Ghirardelli hot cocoa was rich and chocolaty.
Ghirardelli's hot cocoa tasted delicious and decadent.

I added the package contents to a mug with 3/4 cup of water and microwaved it for a minute.

The Ghirardelli hot cocoa definitely had the most intense chocolate flavor, which I appreciated. The drink's rich taste and texture felt gourmet, but it wasn't heavy enough that I couldn't finish the whole cup.

There was a depth of flavor and body to this hot cocoa that stood out above the others — it almost reminded me of drinking a bar of chocolate.

The last hot cocoa I tried was from Land O'Lakes.
Land O'Lakes offers a range of hot-cocoa flavors.

This hot-cocoa mix was the only one I found sold as a single-serve packet, which is nice if you want to sample different flavors.

I also liked that Land O'Lakes had a range of fun flavors, like mint, raspberry, caramel, hazelnut, and Irish creme.

The packet offered instructions for preparing the cocoa as a hot or cold drink.

Land O'Lakes' hot cocoa had a creamy texture, but the strongest flavor didn't seem to be chocolate.
The Land O'Lakes hot cocoa was sweet, though I thought it had hints of caramel and vanilla.

I followed the instructions for the warm alternative, pouring the mix into a mug and stirring in 3/4 cup of hot water. 

Like the Hershey's hot cocoa, the Land O'Lakes mix didn't taste much like chocolate — it was sweet, with hints of caramel and vanilla. Despite not having the expected flavor, this hot cocoa was more enjoyable than some others because of its creamy texture that wasn't too watery.

Although these hot-cocoa mixes were inexpensive and easily accessible, they lacked the deep, chocolaty flavor I craved.
If you want a more chocolaty flavor, skip mixes and try making hot chocolate instead.

As I conducted this taste test, it became clear that prepackaged hot cocoa wasn't the best option for a drink with a rich texture and deep chocolate flavor.

For these qualities, I'd recommend making hot chocolate, which is made with melted chocolate instead of cocoa powder.

Even so, Ghirardelli's hot cocoa was the clear winner of this taste test.
Ghirardelli's mix took the cake, and Swiss Miss' hot cocoa was the runner-up.

Ghirardelli's hot cocoa satisfied my desire for a rich, chocolaty drink, and its thicker texture made it taste more gourmet than the others.

My runner-up is Swiss Miss because of the nostalgia factor and the balanced flavor — it wasn't too sweet nor so milky that the chocolate flavor disappeared.

Read the original article on Business Insider