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The Mummy of Thuya - Egypt Museum

Yuya and Thuya are the parents of Queen Tiye, the beloved Great Royal Wife of king Amenhotep III. The pair were buried at the famous Valley of the Kings, within their tomb known as KV46, which was discovered in February of 1905 by by the British Egyptologist James E. Quibell, during excavations funded by the American millionaire Theodore M. Davis.Yuya and Thuya came from Akhmim, a city in the modern Sohag Governorate of Upper Egypt. To the Ancient Egyptians it was known as Ipu, and the capital of the Ninth Nome of Upper Egypt. The couple were not of royal status, but were of noble origins. However, there are some Egyptologists who propose the idea that Thuya was a descendant of Queen Ahmose-Nefertari.The couple had at least two children that we are aware of today, most notably Tiye, the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III, and a man called Anen, who held the title of “Chancellor of Lower Egypt”, as well as priestly titles such as; “Second Prophet of Amun”, and “Sem-Priest of Heliopolis”....