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Two girls, both 12, struck by van in horror crash with air ambulance scrambled


TWO girls, both 12, have been struck by a van in a horror crash – with an air ambulance scrambled.

A blue Transit van hit the two girls in Newport in south Wales at around 7.45pm last Friday.

The van’s driver allegedly left the scene on Bridge Street near the city’s train station but has since been identified, cops said.

Both girls were raced to hospital after an air ambulance landed at the scene.

Their injuries from the smash are not believed to be life-changing or life-threatening.

Anyone with information is asked to call Gwent Police on 101 quoting log reference 2400412275.

The force said: “We received a report of a road traffic collision on Bridge Street, Newport at around 7.45pm on Friday 13 December.

“Officers attended along with paramedics from the Welsh Ambulance Service and the Welsh Air Ambulance.”

A spokesperson added: “The collision involved a blue Transit van and two pedestrians.

“The pedestrians, two 12-year-old girls, were taken to hospital for treatment.

“The driver of the van reportedly left the scene but has since been identified.

“Enquiries are ongoing and anyone with information is asked to contact us quoting log reference 2400412275.”

The scene in Newport