Sky customers have a hidden extra TV remote that most people don’t know about – and it could spare drama over Xmas
TV remotes go missing all too often whether it’s down the side of the sofa or left somewhere it shouldn’t be.
While Sky has a well-known trick to locate the zapper, there is an alternative option that people forget exists.
But you’ll need to set it up first – so make sure you do it now before the remote becomes lost.
And this is especially true on Christmas day with no shops open to possibly even go and buy a replacement remote.
Few people realise that the Sky Go app can serve as a trusty second remote control.
It only works for Sky Q and Sky Q Mini boxes, not Sky Glass or Sky Stream.
The feature is currently limited to iPhone only – but there are plans to launch it on Android as well in the future.
“Can’t find your Sky Q remote this Christmas?” Sky says.
“Or has that mischievous elf hidden it again? No worries – we’ve got you covered!
“Access the virtual Sky Q remote exclusively on Sky Go, and keep the festive fun rolling!”
You will find the remote within the Sky Go app in the form of a remote icon found next to the search at the top right of the homepage.
Your iPhone will need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your Sky Q box for it to work too.
Once you’re on there, you’ll find all the buttons you need and laid out similarly to the physical remote.
If you have large text enabled on your phone the buttons will also appear bigger.
You can enable dark mode as well.
More tricks for your Sky remote
Try a whole host of Sky tricks to take your TV to a whole new level.