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Topeka Planning Commission recommends rezoning for local church


TOPEKA (KSNT) - Open Arms Outreach Ministries is one step closer to housing the homeless again.

Monday night at the Topeka Planning Commission meeting, commissioners helped pave the way to make this a possibility with an approval recommendation for rezoning.

Under the church's previous zoning, they were allowed to have a daycare, a community center, religious use and a few people to live in as caretakers. Under the new zoning, the church will be able to house eight people, and during harsh winter months, if there's a need for a warming center, they'll be allowed to take in an additional 20 people if they're asked to by the city.

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"This has been a big hurdle. This has been a lot of blood, sweat and tears, a lot of work's been involved," Church Administrator, Tina Carter said. "You know, get this part out of the way it's really good."

While the planning commission voted to recommend tweaking the zoning law, the final decision to rezone will come from the Topeka City Council.