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Let’s give the Dem ‘resistance’ what they want


The Democrats’ “resistance” to the forthcoming Trump administration and Republican-led Congress is quickly taking shape.

The usual left-wing media smear machine is in full gear, taking aim at several of Mr. Trump’s nominees.

But the most interesting action is in California, where would-be Democratic savior Gov. Gavin Newsom is acting as if a foreign power will soon occupy America.

A couple of weeks ago, he called a special session to ask the Democrat-dominated state legislature for $25 million to create a fund for lawsuits against Trump initiatives.

Mr. Newsom has also met with other top Democrats to discuss ways to sabotage the Trump agenda any way they can.

For instance, the photogenic governor has made it clear that he will continue California’s refusal to work with federal officials on stemming illegal immigration.

The Golden State is one of hundreds of “sanctuary’ jurisdictions that defy federal law and will not cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Since February 2021, drawn by the Biden/Harris administration’s open border and welfare incentives, more than 10 million illegal immigrants have flooded into the United States.

Each year, hundreds of them, betrayed by smuggling cartels, die near the border. A shocking number of women and children are raped.

The whole thing is a human rights disaster on many levels, but progressives who see the immigrants as a potential future voting bloc don’t seem to care.

Democrat mayors in cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia have pledged to keep their sanctuary status, come what may.

Let’s take them at their word. All illegal immigrants, beginning with the more than 600,000 confirmed criminals that the Biden/Harris administration deliberately allowed to come into the United States, should be shipped to sanctuary states and cities.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florda Gov. Ron DeSantis paved the way for this in 2022 by busing and flying illegals into Democratic cities like New York and Chicago. This woke up a lot of people – even liberals – to the insanity of open borders.

New York now has an estimated 250,000 illegals, some of whom are being housed at great expense in renovated hotels. In March, the city began handing out prepaid debit cards.

Mayor Eric Adams, who defended the handouts, says he has finally had it. He met with incoming “border czar” Tom Homan on Thursday to discuss how to work together on the problem.

Mr. Trump can do the same thing that Mr. Abbott and Mr. DeSantis did on a monumental scale, using federal resources instead of state funds.

How much would you bet that residents of these states and cities would soon adopt the approach taken by Martha’s Vineyard? The Democrats’ mega wealthy Massachusetts island, home to the Obamas and Oprah Winfrey, quickly evicted a crowd of 49 illegal aliens in September 2022 that Mr. DeSantis had flown in.

But this was only after residents got photo ops showing them hugging the newcomers to demonstrate diversity and inclusivity before kicking them out.

It was a teachable moment for the nation about progressive hypocrisy and helped build momentum for the Republican sweep on Nov. 5.

Another way the Trump administration could bring a mondo dose of reality to Democrats is to halt federal subsidies for wind, solar power and electric vehicles, and to overturn the EPA’s emissions rules.

California has led the way in attacking reliable fossil-fuel energy and is experiencing brownouts. The average price for a gallon of gasoline in California as of Dec. 12 was $4.30 with some stations charging as much as $5.65, according to the American Automobile Association. The national average is about $3.

Despite trillions of cubic feet of natural gas in the ground, California imports nearly 90 percent of its natural gas. Likewise, the state, which has reserves estimated at 30 billion barrels, once produced 60 percent of the oil it used. But environmentalists have driven this figure down to 23 percent.

Instead, the state depends on imports from “such paragons of human rights and environmental stewardship as Ecuador, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Iraq,” wrote Edward Ring of the California Policy Center recently in the Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Ring also noted that Mr. Newsom is pushing a California Air Resources Board plan to install 2,500 wind turbines, “each about 1,000 feet tall from the waterline to the tip of the blade, to points 20 miles offshore. There, they will be connected to the sea floor with cables nearly a mile long.”

The electricity will be shipped to shore via high voltage, underwater cables. What could go wrong? This makes about as much sense as Mr. Newsom’s other pet project, the billions-over-cost “bullet train” from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Next, they’ll be building a subway using the San Andreas Fault as a site map.

While all this is happening, California has not backed off its dictate to force trucking companies to buy incredibly expensive and impractical electric 18-wheel rigs. This is sheer madness.

The answer to Mr. Newsom’s and other Democrats’ policies of “resistance” is to force them to live with their own bad choices.

That means securing the border while letting “sanctuary” jurisdictions have the millions of illegal aliens that their party enabled – with no federal funding assistance.

Los Angeles County has about 1 million illegal immigrants among its nearly 10 million population.

It’s only fair to give them more of what they say they want.

This column was first published at the Washington Times.