Furious landlords unite against terrorist suing pub over its ‘offensive’ sign
PUBS named Saracen’s Head have united against the terrorist suing one over its “offensive” sign.
Khalid Baqa, 60, claims the image of a bearded man in a turban incites violence and “instilled fear in me”.
He wants £1,850 from Robbie Hayes, landlord of The Saracen’s Head Inn in Amersham, Bucks.
But Brian Walker, who owns a Saracen’s Head in Skegness, Lincs, said: “This is completely absurd.
“It’s just another example of some people thinking minorities should be pandered to.
“No Saracen’s Head should give in to this guy.
“He sounds like a chancer.”
Andrei Slipzenko, who runs a Saracen’s Head in Newton Abbot, Devon, said: “This is completely absurd.
“It’s a disgrace.
“This name dates back centuries.
“It would be very disappointing if he had to change the name or sign.
“It’s someone trying to break down the old traditions again.”
The pubs’ name is said to be linked to the Crusades.
Amersham landlord Robbie, 52, welcomed the backing, saying: “We need to form a coalition of pubs who won’t put up with this nonsense.”
Baqa got four years and eight months’ jail in 2018 for preparing jihadi propaganda.