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I’m considering becoming a porn star on the site my boyfriend uses

upset girlfriend sitting on bed while boyfriend using laptop in bedroom

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M considering becoming a porn star on the site my boyfriend uses, to improve our sex life.

He doesn’t give me a second look these days but is always pleasuring himself.

We are both 25 and we’ve been together for two years.

At first, our sex life was great but he’s become addicted to watching pornography instead and when I tell him I want sex, he says he’s too tired.

He says he’s going to stop but nothing changes. 

My friends tell me I’m pretty. I’m tall with big breasts and a 22-inch waist. I could give these porn stars a run for their money.

If he saw me on one of these sites, would he become interested in me again?

DEIDRE SAYS: Getting into the pornography industry comes with huge sacrifices which you’ll never recover from.

Once your images are out there, you would lose all control over them. Do you really want your family to see you that way for the sake of a man who shows you little interest?

His addiction has nothing to do with any inadequacy you may be feeling.

Porn is designed to hook viewers in.

He can get support to help him to change at a reasonable cost through Pivotal Recovery (

If you love him, give him a chance to change but if he still prefers screen time to you, walk away before he damages your confidence for good.



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