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This Device Finally Gave My Round Face Cheekbones

We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Promise.My biggest issue with at-home skincare devices is consistency. I’m all about instant gratification, and while most facial tools and gadgets promise speedy results, they ultimately don’t deliver. Cut to me falling off the bandwagon and whatever tool I tested collecting dust in the bottom of a drawer. There is one exception though, and that's microcurrent devices. Microcurrent is a painless, low-grade electrical current that helps encourage your skin cells to help build muscle and produce collagen and elastin, says dermatologist Heather D. Rogers, MD. With regular use they can provide a long-term firming and plumping benefit, but after just one session you'll notice your face looks immediately more lifted and sculpted too. Truly the best of both worlds—and the reason I'm religious about using a microcurrent device in my skincare routine. I've now tested basically every single option on the mar...