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Pro-life group holding ‘Peace in the Womb’ caroling events

Christmas carolers sing at Peddler’s Village in Lahaska, Pennsylvania, Friday, Nov. 15, 2024. (Photo by Joe Kovacs)

Pro-lifers across the United States are taking part in Pro-Life Action League’s “Peace in the Womb” this Christmas season, singing Christmas carols outside of abortion businesses to encourage mothers and save babies.

“The idea is simple: we bring the hope and joy of Christmas to one of the world’s darkest places—the abortion clinic—in hopes that the familiar sounds of Christmas carols will save a life,” Pro-Life Action League states on its website. “And, in fact, lives have been saved by our peaceful, prayerful witness when women heard our songs from inside the abortion facility and chose life for their children.”

In Fairbanks, Alaska, pro-life advocates will sing carols outside of the local Planned Parenthood abortion business on December 10. The local pro-life group is also seeking volunteers to join them for additional weekly pro-life sidewalk ministry.

“What’s more powerful than reminding people about the love of Jesus, even in the most horrific of places,” a notice about the event said. “In the Christmas story, hope enters the world through the birth of a child, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Join us as we sing carols and share this Christmas hope where it’s needed most: the abortion facility right here in our community.”

The “Peace in the Womb” nationwide caroling events began in 2013 with locations in dozens of cities throughout the U.S., but the caroling itself dates back to 2003 when the first event was held in Chicago, the area in which Pro-Life Action League is based. This year, the event is being held from Alaska to Wisconsin, in several other states, and in Washington, D.C.

Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, told The Christian Post in 2020, “The original inspiration came from a conversation I had over lunch with a Christian feminist, a woman named Katrina Zeno.”

“We were having lunch one day and she was talking about it getting closer to Christmas and how sorrowful it is to think of someone getting an abortion at Christmastime” Scheidler explained. “But then an act of charity would be to go to abortion clinics and sing Christmas carols as a reminder to the women of the hope of Christmas and also kind of planting a seed for the future.”

He added:

The Christmas carols become a reminder that will prompt her to seek out God’s forgiveness in some future Christmas season when she hears those carols and is reminded of her experience getting the abortion. The original inspiration … is a way of kind of planting a seed for conversion for the women who are seeking abortions, whether that conversion takes place right then and there if we change their mind or whether it happens years later as the Christmas season reminds them of the abortion.

Pro-lifers interested in participating in “Peace in the Womb” in their cities can fill out an application with the Pro-Life Action League. The organization will provide information on promoting the caroling day, printing caroling booklets, obtaining banners, and assigning jobs to members of the caroling team.

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Live Action News.]