News in English

Winter 2024 Chronicle


It’s become apparent that a small number of items that should have been included in the recent issue of Chronicle were sent but I never received them. Quite why, I don’t know; most arrived safely, a few didn’t. Three articles (a committee notice and two meet reports) have been resent and I have them here and they will sit very nicely in the Spring issue.

But that’s not the point and I’m trying to get to the bottom of what has happened and whether there are other disappointed contributors out there. The message is: don’t despair, please send them again and contact me if you don’t receive a receipt within a few days – I always send a thanks for items sent in. Corny though it may sound, your articles are important to me and to the club, and once received they will find a way into print. I’ve had occasional problems with my ‘official’ club email address and that’s being looked at now, but using *should work. Apologies to anyone else missed out this time; please persevere!

(* Use “chronicle”, of course, not “chronicler” – the address refers to the post, not the person)

Simon Jefferies