News in English

Meet Coordinators


Meet coordinators firstly many thanks for taking on your meet and thanks in advance for your help with any aspirants you have on your meet.

Please could you do a couple of things that would really help the membership team:

– It would be really helpful if you could return the form the Graham sent out a couple of weeks ago to add some brief details about the meet to the website. Even if you are running a traditional meet that you think everyone knows about, new members might not and aspirants certainly don’t. It would save me a lot of email correspondence answering the same queries from aspirants repeatedly.

– please could you help the club to meet our GDPR responsibilities. We don’t have permission to share members details, including email addresses, with aspirants and vice versa. Please bcc all emails to meet attendees. If you need any help please ask any of the membership, meets or IT teams.


Jane Hodgson