Teenager missing for two weeks as cops grow ‘increasingly concerned’ and urgent appeal is launched
POLICE are growing “increasingly concerned” for the welfare of a teenager who has not been seen for two weeks.
Venesa Gujdova was last seen at her home in Batley, West Yorkshire, on Sunday, December 1.
A number of enquiries have been ongoing to try to find the 17-year-old, who is thought to be in the Bradford area.
She is 5ft 2in, with long, light brown hair with blond tips and is described as slim.
Venesa was last seen wearing wearing black jeans, a black T shirt and a coat, although is most likely to have changed clothes.
A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: “Bradford District Police would like to speak to anyone who has seen or has information about Venesa (17) who is thought to be in the Bradford area.
“Officers are increasingly concerned for Venesa, who is vulnerable, and could be in either the BD3 or BD87 areas.”
Anyone who has seen Venesa or has any information about where she might be should call police on 101 and quote police log 1759 of 1/12.
You can also report online here or can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.