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Disturbing details about Kevin Underwood revealed during clemency hearing


*WARNING* Details within this article and video will be disturbing for some. Discretion is advised.

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — Disturbing details were revealed about Kevin Underwood before the Pardon and Parole Board voted against recommending clemency on Friday.

The vote came down 3-to-0 after a very short few minutes of discussion behind closed doors.

Underwood killed 10-year-old Jaime Rose Bolin in April 2006.

While loved ones were searching for Bolin, her body had been in Underwood's apartment. He told police in the confession video, which was played Friday, that he planned on eating parts of her body.

"In a box with his porn and sex toys, he kept a Barbie doll head with spikes driven through the cheeks and eyes. A manifestation of his tortured fantasy" argued the state.

The room inside the hearing was crowded with mostly loved ones and friends close to Bolin. They all had shirts with the date she was born and died.

"There is a piece of me that will be gone forever. The life Jamie and I had talked about had
ended. We will not watch our children grow up together. We will not be there for each other
while we go through important milestones in our lives, together," said Bolin's older sister Lori Pate.

Several family members submitted victim impact statements for the hearing and others spoke against recommending clemency.

"Jamie wasn’t just some person; she was my sister and my best friend. I like to imagine what she
would have been like as an adult, I remember she was very sweet, caring, and loved her family.
Unfortunately, these are the only memories I have of her and will ever have because Mr.
Underwood decided to lure my sister into his apartment, then hit Jamie over and over in
the head with a cutting board strangled her and then cut her neck to the point of almost
decapitation," writes Sarah Fox, Bolin's younger sister.

The victim's father Curtis Bolin tried hard to speak against recommending clemency but couldn't.

"I just- give me a sec- I can't," said Bolin.

The state's slideshow of evidence for why they believed clemency should be denied for Underwood was a psychological exam he had taken.

"In the year before Jamie's murder, Mr. Underwood had several deviant sexual interests including pedophilia, bestiality, incest, cannibalism, and necrophilia. Specifically regarding pedophilia, Mr. Underwood experienced moderate to extreme sexual arousal at abusing young boys and girls," said the state.

Underwood took a little over two minutes to talk in which he mainly apologized saying, "Although I do not want to die, I recognize I deserve to die for what I did. I'm sorry."

Connie Underwood, his mother also apologized on behalf of her son saying, "Kevin is sorry and I am too."

In the end, the board voted 3-to-0 to deny recommending clemency. While Governor Kevin Stitt has the final say, Underwood's execution is set for lethal injection on December 19.