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THE MAGIC IS GONE: Is the Era of Obama Finally Over?


Obama was one of the biggest losers of the 2024 election. Both he and his wife stuck their necks out politically for Kamala Harris and she lost. Big time.

What does this say about the influencing power of the former president? Black voters in Pennsylvania did not respond well to being scolded by Obama for not showing enough support for Harris.

Some people are starting to say that the Obama era is over and that the election proves it.

Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote:

The Evaporation of the Obama Mystique

Former President Barack Obama had long been rumored as the catalyst for the 2020 Joe Biden nomination — and thereafter played the whispering puppeteer behind the subsequent lost Biden administration years…

Many Democrats believe that they might have done just as well had Biden stayed on the ticket even in his vastly diminished state.

The Obamas were further blasted for nullifying the wishes of 14 million primary voters by forcing Biden off the ticket — ironically in the same backroom, anti-democratic manner they had cleared the way for him in 2020…

The 2024 anemic Democratic campaign and the Trump electoral college and popular vote victories — combined with record defections of Hispanic and African-American voters from the Democratic Party to Trump — proved a resounding rejection of the Obama legacy and his surrogates’ left-wing visions.

John Kass, a columnist from Chicago, echoed this sentiment in a recent piece:

To Move Forward, Democrats Must Oust Obama

The historic political comeback of Donald Trump has left Democrats largely unable and unwilling to process what they’ve done to themselves.

Yes, they whine and cry and emote, like wounded adolescent narcissists, because that’s all they can do. What of cold-eyed analysis that might compel them to make difficult choices and save what remains of their party? No. They’re afraid. That is beyond them now. They’re locked in their doom loop.

In granting Trump the White House through an electoral college landslide and popular vote, American voters also made it clear that they were fed up with leftist ideology…

To win in the future, the Democrats must tear down Obama just as Trump tore down the Bushes. A new Democrat faith must emerge to launch a frontal assault on Obama’s keep in Martha’s Vineyard, sacking it and salting the earth. It must reject the cynical use of race to generate ugly tribalism…

Obama honors himself at every opportunity. But he is America’s one-eyed jack. And we’ve seen the other side of his face.

There was a time when Democrats and the media thought Obama could do no wrong. Those days may be over, or at least coming to an end. We will know for sure in a few years when we will see how involved the Obamas are in the next presidential election. There is a strong chance they will be encouraged by their own party to sit it out.

The post THE MAGIC IS GONE: Is the Era of Obama Finally Over? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.