News in English

2025 IJF Contest Rules Update


The IJF has recently announced changes to the international contest rules, to be effective internationally from the Paris Grand Slam in February.

The changes can be found at in the IJF’s latest update on their website by clicking here.

Please note that at this time, there are no changes to the British Judo Association’s Contest Rules.

As with previous years, the Judo Commission will meet to consider how best to implement the new rules within the BJA Events Framework to meet the needs of our members.

Following a decision by the Judo Commission, any changes and their implementation date will be communicated widely to Coaches, Referees and Areas to allow suitable time for them to prepare.

Athletes and coaches preparing for EJU or IJF-level events in 2025 should familiarise themselves with the changes ahead of competition.

We will be hosting a seminar with Neil Adams MBE and Lisa Rivers on Monday 6th January 2025 for all Coaches, Referees and Fighters across the country.

The seminar will provide a thorough breakdown of the latest IJF adjustments from both Neil’s perspective as an Analyst and Coach, and Lisa’s perspective as a Referee and clarify how these changes will affect competition internationally (initially).

The event will be free of charge to attend and will take place at the National Training Centre in Walsall from 10:00am – 1:00pm (arrival from 9:30am).

The schedule of the day has not yet been finalised until we gain a better understanding of the new rules and whether a practical element will be required alongside a series of presentations and Q&A opportunities.

Click here to book your spot

The post 2025 IJF Contest Rules Update appeared first on British Judo Association.