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Happy 99th Birthday To Dick Van Dyke


Emmy, Grammy and Tony Award winner Dick Van Dyke turned 99 today.

Happy Birthday!

In 2013, he also received the Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award. In 2024, he won the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Performer in a Drama Series, the oldest winner ever.

And a massive shout out to the neighbors that rescued him from the latest Malibu fire.

Cinema Blend writes:

Following a win for the TV special Dick Van Dyke 98 Years of Magic at the Creative Arts Emmys, the movie and TV star was asked how he wanted to be remembered. In a video posted by THR he said he simply wanted to be known for making people laugh, something he has been doing for three-quarters of a century. Van Dyke said...

"For laughter, I hope. For making people laugh for 75 years. I’ve been in the business 75 years. I can’t believe it. And I’m still here, and performing."

I always say laughter is a key to happiness.

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