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Quiz News


Quiz update

Whether sailing or rugby, The Dirty Ruckers know how to play until the final whistle. Having taken an early lead during the Christmas dinner quiz held on Wednesday 11 December, The Dirty Ruckers relinquished that lead to the tournament favourites Wizard only for the latter to drop the ball/miss a tack just before the line, whereupon The Dirty Ruckers (led by former Eurovision winner Cheryl Baker) took advantage to win a maiden victory, to much well-deserved applause. Wizard and perennial also-rans the Corner Boys tied for 2nd, and Harmerang continued their recent return to form coming 4th.

The overall Leaderboard shows Wizard leading T.B.M. and The Dirty Ruckers with other teams starting to eye up their potential discards to make it competitive. An interesting new year awaits!

The Leonard family would like to express their gratitude for the generosity of all quizzers who contributed to the fundraising for Hannah Leonard, whose terrible accident has touched so many in the sailing community and beyond. All members are invited to visit the gofundme campaign to support Hannah and her family at this very difficult time for them all (link: Hannah Leonard).

The quiz will return on 15 January 2025 at 8pm sharp! In the meantime, the Quizmaster would like to thanks all teams for their continued enthusiastic participation, to thank Sara and Michael for their organisation, and to thank the staff of the NYC for their assistance and patience. The Quizmaster also wishes all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.

The Quizmaster


The post Quiz News appeared first on National Yacht Club.