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Letters: Burdened taxpayers | State fails businesses | Democrats’ hypocrisy


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Workload puts too much
pressure on students

I am writing to express my concern regarding an issue that has been widely acknowledged but insufficiently addressed: the never-ending academic pressures teenagers face.

High schoolers are expected to navigate a seemingly endless workload, with hours of homework on top of schooling. This leaves little time for things critical to a teenager’s development: rest, social interaction or extracurriculars. The stress from these expectations has led to an unnerving increase in anxiety, depression and burnout. Despite widespread awareness of the issue, temporary measures such as occasional mental health days or additional counseling resources are all that is being done to “solve” this issue.

The real problem is the unrealistic workload. It is time for educators to rethink the balance between academics and mental health. I hope your newspaper will continue to shine a light on this topic and advocate for actionable change.

Caitlin Osmond
San Ramon

McConnell had chance
to stop Trump assault

Re: “Gabbard is Trump pick most likely to fail” (Page A9, Dec. 8).

Tulsi Gabbard, like almost all of Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, is totally unqualified to serve the position he has selected her for, the National Intelligence Director.

However, what really gets me is Mitch McConnell criticizing Trump’s and Gabbard’s views on national and global security. McConnell could have prevented all this in 2021 by voting to convict Trump in the Senate for his impeachment by the House due to Trump’s major role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Isn’t Jan. 6 an attack on our national and global security?

Rocky Fort
San Lorenzo

Honoring Pearl Harbor
attack seems to fade

Re: “2 survivors return to honor those killed in 1941 attack” (Page A3, Dec. 8).

I was pleased to see the lengthy article on Pearl Harbor survivors and the annual observance in the Sunday paper. My Oakland Cub Scout Cubmaster of 1953-55 was a Pearl Harbor survivor and we spoke about that in the 1980s. Having been born shortly before the end of World War II, and growing up with “Victory at Sea,” mothballed warships and adults with fresh memories of the war years, I am likely more aware of that era than many other persons.

On Saturday, Dec. 7, I put out my flag and saw only one other flag prominently displayed on my street of nearly three dozen homes. Dec. 7 isn’t a national holiday, but it is a day that should still “Live in Infamy” but seems to be increasingly ignored.

Is this lack of respectful display due to a general lack of patriotism or a lack of having learned much history, or both?

Russ Greenlaw

Don’t tap burdened
taxpayers for BART

Re: “To help BART, make rides free and raise taxes to cover costs” (Page A6, Dec. 11).

Michael O’Hare is apparently one of those people who throw around everyone else’s tax money, without a care.

He suggests that already heavily burdened taxpayers pay even more to subsidize an unsafe, unresponsive entity that also casually thinks nothing of spending taxpayers’ money, especially regarding its move from transit agency to real estate developer. As it is, BART has continually gone to the trough to draw out enormous taxes from people who, for the most part, never use the system.

Enough, already, with gouging property owners. Try being efficient, safe and honest.

George Mathews

State’s leaders fail
businesses again

The people of California should understand how their elected officials treat businesses. I received this from my payroll service:

Federal Unemployment Tax is retroactively increasing for 2024 by 0.9% for any wages paid in California and New York. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these states took out a loan to cover an unexpected demand for unemployment benefits. Every November, the IRS reviews states with unpaid loans for two consecutive years and increases federal taxes in order to reduce the loan balance. To repay this loan, employers in California and New York will need to pay a higher unemployment tax rate for 2024.

So the state borrows money to pay for unemployment due to state-mandated lockdowns (with millions in fraudulent payments). And all businesses have to pay it back even if they did not lay anyone off. Why do Californians support these officials who discourage business in our state?

Gary Peer

Democrats’ hypocrisy
cost them voters in 2024

Re: “Harris fails to ignite Bay Area” (Page A1, Dec. 10).

The East Bay Times reports that 1 in 5 Joe Biden voters didn’t vote for Kamala Harris in Alameda County. This follows a national trend of left-leaning voters staying home.

Gaza is not a “kitchen table issue” driving voters. Millions of Americans are nonetheless aware of Israel’s brutality against Palestinians. Voters heard Joe Biden and Kamala Harris preach about democracy and the rule of law, while they continued to support Israel’s genocidal regime.

Donald Trump has not hidden his lies or his assault on democracy. He’s instead exploited Americans’ growing distrust of institutions. Fascists paint democracy as a sham, and “might makes right” as the only truth.

Voters don’t have to be motivated by Gaza to observe the Democratic Party’s hypocrisy. It’s also not hard to guess why liberal voters weren’t motivated to show up. Democracy won’t be saved by liars and hypocrites.

Joel Reinstein