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Rheumatoid arthritis - Complications

Rheumatoid arthritis can put you at a higher risk of developing other conditions, particularly if it's not well controlled.Some of these conditions are described below. Carpal tunnel syndrome Carpal tunnel syndromeisa common condition in people with rheumatoid arthritis.It's caused by compression of the nerve that controls sensation and movement in the hands (median nerve) and has symptoms such as:achingnumbnesstingling in your thumb, fingers and part of the handSymptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can sometimes be controlled with wrist splints orsteroid injections, although surgery to release the pressure on the median nerve may beneeded in severe cases. Widespread inflammation Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition which can cause inflammation to develop in other parts of your body, such as the:lungs–inflammation of the lungs or lung lining can lead to pleurisy or pulmonary fibrosis, which can cause chest pain, a persistent cough and shortness of breathheart – inflammation o...