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‘Marxist’ agenda: Hegseth says gay troops ‘erode standards’ in ‘social engineering’ push


Pete Hegseth, President-elect Donald Trump’s controversial pick to oversee the Department of Defense and its 3.4 million military and civilian personnel, has a long history of anti-LGBTQ statements. According to multiple reports, Hegseth has opposed gay service members, labeling them a threat to military standards and a part of a “Marxist” agenda promoting “social engineering.”

“At least when it was an ‘Army of One,’ they were, you know, tough looking, go get ‘em army – but you’re right, that was the subtle shifting toward an individual ad campaign,” Hegseth told far-right podcaster Ben Shapiro, CNN reports. “Now you just have the absurdity of ‘I have two mommies and I’m so proud to show them that I can wear the uniform too.’ So they, it’s just like everything else the Marxists and the leftists have done. At first it was camouflaged nicely and now they’re just, they’re just open about it.”

Hegseth, now a former Fox News weekend co-host under fire for alleged sexual assault, alcohol abuse, an affinity for Christian nationalism, and mismanagement of two veterans' charities, has repeatedly denigrated gays and lesbians, and expressed opposition to LGBTQ Americans serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, and women serving in the military — especially in combat roles.

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"In his 2024 book 'The War on Warriors' and in subsequent media promotions this year. Hegseth described both the original 'don’t ask, don’t tell' (DADT) policy and its repeal in 2011 as a 'gateway' and a 'camouflage' for broader cultural changes that he claims have undermined military cohesion and effectiveness," CNN reports.

Studies before and after the repeal of DADT have proven LGBTQ service members serving openly do not diminish unit cohesion or impair military readiness. "The repeal of DADT has had no overall negative impact on military readiness or its component dimensions, including cohesion, recruitment, retention, assaults, harassment or morale," a Palm Center report found one year after DADT repeal.

As MeidasTouch News reported Wednesday, Hegseth has "argued that allowing women and openly gay and lesbian individuals to serve undermines the readiness and effectiveness of the armed forces. He dismissed these inclusivity efforts as 'social engineering' aimed at satisfying political agendas rather than improving national security. In his words, the changes were about achieving symbolic milestones, such as having a female Navy SEAL, rather than maintaining operational excellence."

Hegseth lamented on Fox News' "Red Eye" in 2015 that America has a "military right now that is more interested in social engineering led by this president than they are in war fighting, So, as a result, through Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and women in the military and these standards, they’re going to inevitably start to erode standards because they want that one female special operator, that one female Green Beret, that one female Army Ranger, that one female Navy Seal, so they can put them on a recruiting poster and feel good about themselves and has nothing to do with national security."

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“So it started, you know, we saw it under Clinton with the tinkering of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ and the reasons for those changes,” Hegseth said in November on a podcast promoting his book, also according to CNN. “And I talked to some of the people involved in when that was changed, but it really happened, started to accelerate under Obama.”

And yet, when asked on Wednesday by CNN if he still holds that repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was a mistake, Hegseth grew silent and did not answer, ignoring the reporter (video below).

Hegseth has a long, documented history of anti-LGBTQ and anti-women statements and positions.

"The dumbest phrase on planet Earth in the military is our diversity is our strength," Hegseth said on a podcast this year, ABC News reported last month.

"There aren't enough lesbians in San Francisco to staff the 82nd Airborne like you need, you need the boys in Kentucky and Texas and North Carolina and Wisconsin," Hegseth also said earlier this year, ABC noted. On a separate podcast, he "said that transgender soldiers are 'not deployable' because they are 'reliant on chemicals' and suggested that women should not serve in certain combat roles."

"Everything about men and women serving together makes the situation more complicated, and complication in combat means casualties are worse," Hegseth also said, ABC added. He also argued "that men are 'more capable' in combat roles because of biological factors."

Hegseth, under fire, this week claimed he supports women in the military, but did not specifically state he supports women in combat roles.

“I strive to defend the pillars of Western civilization against the distractions of diversity,” Hegseth wrote in 2002 as publisher of The Princeton Tory, the university's conservative student magazine, The New Yorker reported last month.

"In the same year that Hegseth was defending the West against diversity, he and the other editors of the Tory opined that the New York Times’ decision to publish announcements of same-sex marriages had opened the floodgates to incest and bestiality: 'At what point does the paper deem a ‘relationship’ unfit for publication? What if we ‘loved’ our sister and wanted to marry her? Or maybe two women at the same time? A 13-year-old? The family dog?'”

And in a 2002 publisher's note at The Tory, Talking Points Memo reported, Hegseth "declared that he was 'not encouraged' by the 'educational principles … guiding our generation.' Among other things, he cited the 'encouragement and support' for 'homosexuality.'"

"In pieces for the Tory," TPM continued, "Hegseth and the team he oversaw railed against efforts to promote diversity on campus and what they described as the immoral 'homosexual lifestyle.'"

The New Yorker also reports that during Hegseth's tenure, The Tory wrote: “boys can wear bras and girls can wear ties until we’re blue in the face, but it won’t change the reality that the homosexual lifestyle is abnormal and immoral.”

"Hegseth and The Tory's editor also wrote: “Overwhelming majorities of Americans agree with the notion that homosexuality and heterosexuality are not moral equivalents.”

Watch the video below or at this link.

Trump’s Defense Secretary pick, Pete Hegseth, has called allowing openly gay troops a “Marxist” push for social justice and said it “erodes” military standards.
He declined to clarify his comments when asked Wednesday by CNN. Watch: [image or embed] — Andrew Kaczynski ( December 12, 2024 at 9:48 AM

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