News in English

Cruising Log of the Year.


Congratulations to Katie & Jim Corbett on being presented with the Royal Thames Yacht Club Cup, for Cruising Log of the Year. Their cruise took them from Preveza in Greece through the Corinth Canal and onto the western Aegean Sea. A total of 950 miles round trip.  Katie and Jim hope to present their log to the club at an event early in the new year. I would like to thank those who sent in their logs. They were all great adventures and well documented. Members of our club cruise extensively throughout the world and it is great to hear about their adventures. So when you are on the high seas next season, no matter where it is, keep a log and submit it for next years Cruising Log of the Year. It inspires like minded people to get up and go. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy Christmas and let’s look forwards to some good times on the water in 2025.

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