News in English

Ticket Queries On Matchdays


A number of provisions have been put in place to ensure supporters have help with any ticketing issues on matchday.

Here’s a run through of all things ticketing on a matchday at Easter Road.

Ticket Pods

Ticket pods have been introduced around Easter Road to make it quicker and easier for Hibernian FC supporters to purchase tickets on the day of the game.

As you can see on the map below, ticket pods will be available outside the East Stand and the West Stand.

If you want to purchase tickets in the East Stand, then head to the ticket pod in-between the North-East corner.

If you’d like to purchase tickets in the West Stand, then head to the ticket pod in the West-South corner.

If you’d like to purchase tickets in the Famous Five Stand, then use the dedicated new Ticket Office sales window in the North.

Ticket Issues

If you have any ticketing issues on a matchday then please speak to a member of our Ticket Resolution Team.

They will be located outside of each stand and will be wearing high vis bibs ready to help!

It’ll be much quicker speaking to a member of the team to resolve the issue than queueing at the Hibernian FC Ticket Office.

Ticket Office

Due to the number of queues and queries on a matchday, we would urge supporters to use the above methods rather than coming straight to the Hibernian FC Ticket Office.

Please only come to the main Ticket Office if you have been sent by a member of the ticket resolution team or by a member of staff at the Ticket Pods.

The new Ticket Office will be located on the Ground Floor of the Famous Five Stand (next to the Hibernian FC Clubstore) and only accessible on matchdays for those with unresolved matchday ticketing issues/queries.

How Matchdays work:

Main Ticket Office: Now focused on handling Matchday enquiries only.

External Ticket Office Sales Windows: Famous Five stand ticket sales.

East Stand Ticket Pod: East Stand ticket sales.

West Stand Ticket Pod: West Stand ticket sales.

On-Site Ticket Resolution Staff: A team of dedicated and trained staff members deployed outside each stand to assist supporters with access issues, ensuring quick and effective support right where you need it.