News in English

Interdisciplinary Insights: Building Age-Friendly Health Care at ISU

At the intersection of education, health care and community, Idaho State University’s 14th Annual Ginny Thomas Geriatric Symposium brought together students, professionals and older adults to explore innovative ways of improving health care for the aging population. Students from the Kasiska Division of Health Sciences and the College of Technology’s Health Occupation Department learned about advancing a healthcare system that prioritizes the needs of older adults. The two-part event, hosted by the Kasiska Division of Health Sciences, was held October 9 on the Pocatello campus, and on October 16 on the Meridian campus. Both events attracted a total of nearly 400 attendees and featured a keynote speaker address, a panel discussion and an interactive case study.“Thanks to generous support from our long-time anonymous donor, as well Bingham Healthcare and the Idaho Rural Health Association, along with our partnership with Health Occupations programs, this event again demonstrated our comm...