News in English

Pol Pot Bomber


Bomber Bradbury writes:

However, maybe, just maybe, the ongoing assassination of CEOs might be a good thing for us all?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not justifying the assassination of Brian, I’m just casually observing maybe it would be better regulated.

Like each December we have a purge of CEOs rather than just picking the odd one off.

A Season of CEO Purge. …

Like Christmas Eve each year for 24 hours we can hunt CEOs of corporations linked to human misery.

While Bomber is (hopefully) trolling with his call for mass murder of CEOs who cause human misery, I do wonder why stop there if he isn’t trolling.

We now have 100 years of data from 60+ countries the communism and marxism causes massive human misery. So if there is to be an annual CEO hunt, why not also an annual marxist hunt?

There will be downsides of course, but also upsides. Scores of junior lecturers will have the opportunity to become full professors, due to a large number of vacancies. The public sector will meet its reduction targets without expensive redundancies. The media will become more balanced, and No 48 on the Green Party List may get to become an MP!

The post Pol Pot Bomber first appeared on Kiwiblog.